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How to maintain positive energy during your spell.

Every moment you have a choice – to be at peace or to be in resistance.

When you are at peace, you attract positive energy and when you resist you create negative vibes that reflect back on your being. It’s a simple choice that you need to make.

It’s not your boss, colleagues, parents, ex or the traffic, but your own perception that creates stress and negative energy. Circumstances are neutral. You will generate positive vibes when your inner state is one of alignment and congruence, instead of being in resistance.

Here are 12 ways to attract positive energy into your life by staying in touch with your inner peace and stillness.

1. Start Your Day With Meditation

Any form of meditation is helpful but it’s best to keep it simple.

Just practice the meditation of becoming aware of your presence. You don’t have to sit in any strident posture; just relax and feel your presence in the midst of the thoughts and emotions.

If you want, you can also consider chanting (or simply humming) a mantra like ‘OM’ or ‘HUM’. Focus your complete attention on the sound and vibration it creates in your body. This is a very powerful practice that will create positive vibes throughout your body.

2. Expand Your Energy Through Mindful Relaxation

Relaxation is a state of openness, abundance and expansion whereas stress is a state of resistance and contraction.

When you are relaxed, your energy field expands and you open your being to attracting good energy. Relaxation also helps release blocked energy. So every once in a while, make a conscious effort to relax your mind and body.

You can do this by taking a few deep breaths and becoming mindful of your body. Feel your body to see if there are any points where your muscles are clenched and consciously relax these muscles.

Pay particular attention to your gut muscles and muscles in and around the back of your neck (also known as the trapezius muscle) as this is where most of the tension gets accumulated.

Do this mindfulness practice multiple times a day.

3. Shake Your Body to Release Stagnant Energy

A pool of water that is stagnant tends to attract impurities in comparison to moving water. Same is the case with your body.

One of the easiest ways to release stagnant energy (and energy blockages) in your body is to put your body into motion.

There are a variety of ways you can do this. Here are just a few examples.

  • Dance or move your body to your favorite music.

  • Do some simple stretches (or even basic yoga stretches like Child Pose, Crocodile Pose and Legs Up the Wall Pose).

  • Go for a jog or a run.

  • Get yourself a massage (or give yourself a self massage).

  • Do some fun exercises like Hula Hooping, Rebounding or simply jumping in place.

  • Do progressive muscle relaxation.

  • Do deep breathing for a few seconds.

One of my favorite ways to shake off negative energy is doing the Qigong Shake. This is a simple exercise where you shake your body with your feet touching the floor. Five minutes of shaking and you are bound to feel fresh and rejuvenated.

The following video demonstrates how to go about doing the Qigong Shake.

4. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts and Beliefs

Limiting and negative thoughts in your subconscious mind will lower your vibration. In order to vibrate at a higher frequency, you need to let go of these low vibration beliefs and subsequent thoughts.

So whenever possible, simply stay mindful of your thoughts and the kind of self talk you engage in. Whenever you catch yourself thinking a limiting thought or speaking negativity to yourself, acknowledge that and let it go. By staying aware of your thoughts this way, you can cleanse your mind of all limiting beliefs.

But remember that this is a constant process and you need to keep cleansing your mind on a regular basis. Just like a garden needs to be tended on a regular basis to keep the weeds from growing.

5. Learn to See the Positive in Every Situation

When the Sun goes down, you can focus on the darkness or change your focus and look at the stars.

Know that good and bad are just perceptions created in the conditioned mind. All you need is a change of perspective to see the hidden positives in a seemingly negative situation. When you focus on the positive aspects, you will attract more positivity into your life.

So always be mindful of what you are focusing your attention on. Your attention is a limited resource, and you should always focus it on things that matter.

6. Drop the Resentment Within

The past is past, it has no reality than as a memory trace. Can you live in such simplicity? After all if you don’t continuously think up a bad memory you will not feel any resentment within. So just learn to forgive and move on. There is a lot power in the simple act of forgiveness.

7. Stay as the Presence Instead of the Ego

The present moment holds a lot of power within. You can tap into this power by learning to experience the present moment fully. As Eckhart Tolle puts it, ‘Be here fully!‘.

Whatever task you are doing, try to become fully conscious of it. Be conscious of your surroundings, your thoughts and your actions. Of-course you cannot be present all the time, but do this exercise whenever you feel the need to relax and attract some good vibes.

8. Realize That You Are Enough As You Are

Many of us hide our true selves and try to be someone else just to fit in; just so people approve of us.

But if you live this way, you will soon start to feel drained because pretense takes energy. Pretense will also keep you stuck with the wrong crowd and situations that you don’t truly desire.

Free yourself of pretense by realizing that you are enough as you are. You do not need to seek anyone’s approval or live up to anyone’s expectations.

9. Understand Yourself Through Self Reflection

Self love begins when you begin to understand yourself on a deeper level. And when you love yourself, you develop the power to forgive yourself and others. You are no longer dependent on external validation, instead you become self validated. And thus you open yourself to attracting good energy.

So spend time in self reflection. Find out who you are, what you have been through, and what you truly value and desire in life. A self reflection journal is a good way to start.

10. Listen to Uplifting Music

The right music can raise your vibration instantly.

Create a playlist of songs that you personally find uplifting and listen to them whenever you need a boost of energy.

Just make sure that the songs you listen to do not carry negative lyrics as these can get lodged in your subconscious mind.

11. Tune into the Stillness of Nature

A simple way to attract good energy is to be in nature. Just look at the nature around you for a while. A tree or a flower; it just rests in stillness and moves with the wind. There is a peace that radiates from their being. This peace will ignite your own inner stillness.

You can also consider bringing nature indoors by having some indoor plants. According to color psychology green is the color of balance and harmony. Which is why, having indoor plants can bring a sense of peace to your inner being.

Plants such as Bamboo palm (reed palm), Snake plant, Spider plant, Peace Lily, Aloe Vera, Devil’s Ivy, Azalea, Chinese Evergreen, and Broad-leaf lady palm among others are an excellent option.

12. Feel the Spaciousness in Your Body

Just close your eyes and try to feel your body from within. You will be surprised at the spaciousness of your body. It feels like a lot of empty space with a few sensations here and there. This inner body realization will free up any stored negative energy. After a few moments of inner body realization you will feel light and at ease.

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